You can click on each title below to go straight to the blog you're looking for, or choose the relevant date from the Archives on the right.
April 2012
Images from the Silk Road – Rainbow Silk
Choosing Your Ancestors
Isle of Wight Festival 1969
August 2012
Cambridge goes mad for Marat Sade
The Serendipities of Family History
September 2012
Riding the White Horses of the Camargue
Haiku for White Horses
October 2012
When is a Short Story like a Russian Box?
January 2013
Marat Sade Revisited, with a Touch of Downton Abbey
April 2013
Everyone has a Laurie Lee Story
October 2015
New Poem for a New Day
March 2016
The Waistcoat from Waziristan
August 2018
Struan – Sublime Harvest Bread